
UfaceME in Psychology Today magazine

Could we and should we be able to tap into another person’s thoughts or feelings? Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible. Empathic Accuracy refers to this seemingly uncanny ability to “read” another’s emotions and relative thoughts. It has been examined for years by psychologists and social scientists. According to studies, both positive and detrimental implications are possible.

On the down side, Empathic Accuracy may not be so helpful to a relationship if one person with high Empathetic Accuracy desires to manipulate the other person.

What if Empathetic Accuracy is not engaged or present?  On the positive side, find out how UfaceME has been shown to be useful in strengthening relationship functioning. › the-science-love

How does UfaceME work?

UfaceME provides an opportunity for a connected, meaningful conversation in any relationship clinical or otherwise. Watch this video to discover the UfaceME process and its value for 170 University of Minnesota medical students in their training taking patient histories.

The simple-to use technology allows you and another person to:

Relate to one another.

Record your conversation. Two people privately video record their face-to-face conversation on a laptop computer, so they are both equally on camera.

Respond While watching immediate playback of their conversation, they separately respond to statements about their experience.

Review Graphic feedback on the computer displays their responses minute by minute, showing how they felt, how they perceived each other, and how they thought they came across to each other.

Fruitful discussions unfold when the graphs direct them back to review significant moments of their conversation.

Re-viewing these moments in the recorded conversation leads to learning about themselves, the other person and their relationship. This helps them relate to this person and to others, regardless of who they are, where they live/work, and how they interact.

The benefits of UfaceME have been endorsed by an early adopter, Dr. Michael Ross, MD, PhD, MPH, MHPEd, MSt. He is on the faculty in the University of Minnesota Program in Human Sexuality and was appointed the Joycelyn Elders Chair in Sexual Health Education in 2014.

Dr. Ross has published more than 500 publications and books. Additionally, he worked extensively in prison environments and wrote a book about prison physical and mental health.

UfaceME Shown to accurately evaluate beneficial change within a counseling session

UfaceME, a relational, interactive learning tool, significantly stimulates positive responses and reactions to UfaceME-aided counseling, as demonstrated by a study recently published by the Journal of Counseling and Educational Technology, A new computer application for innovation and evaluation in counseling.

The actual benefits of a UfaceME session have now been shown in a study of 161 diverse clients over five years in different settings. Implications and results to date include:

  • Further counseling engagement
  • Healthy behavioral and relational change
  • Improved mental health
  • Improved self-awareness

UfaceME effectively evaluates counseling sessions facilitated by this relational, interactive learning tool.

UfaceME measured outcomes of significant, positive changes in the clients’ perceptions and feelings from the beginning of the session to the end. Positive response was reported by the end segment of the sessions.

Rarely have counseling outcomes been measured and documented by clients. UfaceME earlier measured outcomes that were proven positive and behavior-changing in a training study of medical students at the University of Minnesota.

Using the UfaceME method, clients responded to a series of statements, repeated every four minutes, as they watched video replay of their session. They then watched a video and rated a comparison of their responses to those of their counselor.

Here’s a link to the full text of the published research paper.

UfaceME/University of Minnesota research draws wide readership in medical journal

The original research completed by UfaceME and the University of Minnesota is stunning in its timely approach to real time, face-to-face communications in enhancing and improving personal interactions. The Dove Press published an original research paper in May 19, 2019 that has received well over 1,000 views to date.

The research demonstrates the effectiveness of the software based UfaceME process in training medical students to take effective and comfortable sexual histories with patients. The study was led by Dr. Michael Ross, Program of Human Sexuality, University of Minnesota Medical School.

The first trial included 14 students in a focus group, followed by sessions experienced by 175 students, whose overwhelmingly positive response supported the quantitative data. Further sessions are planned. Dr. Ross was awarded the 2019 U. of M. Medical School’s Year 1-2 Excellence in Innovation Award based on this work.

The paper is titled “A new computer application for teaching sexual history taking to medical students: innovation and evaluation in the UfaceME program.” Here’s a link to the full text of the published research paper.

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